News, links, analysis and comments on Melbourne's Underworld
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Zarah no longer Cained...?
With Tone all set for a term in jail, should MUI make its' move? Shall we try to Get Zarah at an ungarded moment?
Comments please!
(we will scan the article as it is not online!)
Mokbel bid to release assets fails
Accused drug trafficker and multi-millionaire Melbourne businessman Antonios "Tony" Mokbel has failed in a bid to overturn an order that has frozen his assets.
The 40-year-old's assets, valued at an estimated $20 million, were frozen by a Victorian County Court order in 2001.
If Tone has $20 mil officially, then imagine what he has in liquid cash assets- like his sock drawer, bread basket (no pun) and ceiling space.
But there is a kicker:
Mokbel's lawyer, Phillip Priest QC, earlier told the Supreme Court the order to freeze his client's assets did not make provisions for him to meet reasonable living expenses.
Like keeping Zarah in diamonds, and keeping his own belly full.

He's wasting away before our very EYES!
Though he's not gambling down the Crown no more
Mokbel bid to release assets fails - National -
Friday, December 02, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Beddie Byes by dark for the Tone
SELF-DESCRIBED professional gambler Tony Mokbel will provide a $1 million surety and observe a night-time curfew after his bail on a Commonwealth drugs charge was extended yesterday in the Supreme Court.
Mokbel, 40, of Southbank, faces trial on February 1, having pleaded not guilty to being knowingly concerned in importing a trafficable quantity of cocaine.
Justice Bill Gillard ordered Mokbel to report twice daily to police, surrender his passport, not contact witnesses and give 24 hours' notice if he wants to change his address.
Son Of Sly says:
Tony isn't even a real crim- he doesn't come from a criminal background, he was a legit bloke, a clean skin.
He had a late start in crime, but with his wealth that he made with legit ventures he was able to climb the ladder quickly.
It's said that he's never personally knocked anyone but it's been said that he paid Benji $100,000 for the Redev hit after he was bashed by his minder and a few blokes fromW.A. (It's said that this bashing contributed to Benji going over to the Williams crew from the Carlton Crew)
He teamed up with the William's lot after the Moran's power went as he thought it was the smart thing to do and after he had the shit kicked out of him by Gatto's mates it really only left the Williams lot.
I think Tony will beat the charge on the 1st case but has a problem with the 2nd and a bit of "time out" may occur. His brothers are still around but not for long as there is already a few new kids on the block and I don't think they give a fuck about any cunt- least of all the Mokbel bros.
Tony has never done any real jail so it will do him good, but lets say this now "INSIDE PEOPLE IN FOR LIFE DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE" on the outside you can try and be anyone you want but inside the most feared and violent run the show, so he has two choices:
1: He better pay to be looked after.
2: He better pay to be looked after.
If he thinks he's going to be in the same unit as the rest of the new school he should think again, they were all in Charlotte unit together: Brincat,Williams & Dad, Rocco Arico, Radev, Mokbel and a few others at one point many years ago, there is not way this time round, Mokbel ran the joint at that time and Carl was a model inmate but was into everything.
Brincat only behaved so he could get out but it's also been said that he fell out with Radev over who ran the drugs in the unit and killed him when both were on the out- "bullshit" Benji's work there.
It must be said that the unit they were in never had any really feared inmates at that time.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Zarah speaks to the press...
JOSIE TAYLOR: One detective told Stateline the idea of Zarah Garde-Wilson living in fear is ludicrous as she has joined the biggest gang in the criminal playground. You've been accused of being attracted to that, sort of being sucked in by the glamour.
ZARAH GARDE-WILSON: I'd like to know what the attraction is. If the current position I'm in is attractive, they really should be thinking again. If the criminal lifestyle involves waking up at 6 o'clock, having breakfast, driving to work, working through to 8 o'clock, having dinner, going to bed, then so be it.
And then there's:
JOSIE TAYLOR: Are you friends with your clients?
ZARAH GARDE-WILSON: It's hard not to be friends with your clients.
JOSIE TAYLOR: How do you represent them and be their friend?
ZARAH GARDE-WILSON: I don't see why it causes an issue. For example, if I were married there would be no prohibition on me representing my husband. I can't see what the limitation is. You are prohibited from representing a friend; it doesn't make sense.
JOSIE TAYLOR: Would you consider, say Tony Mokbel your friend?
ZARAH GARDE-WILSON: I consider him a friend.
Mind. Boggle.
Offense as defence...
Lawyer alleges Victorian police corruption
Solicitor Zarah Garde-Wilson has accused Victoria Police of mounting a malicious witch-hunt against her because she chose to represent underworld figures.
Ms Garde-Wilson has escaped a jail term after being convicted of contempt of court for refusing to give evidence in a murder trial.
The Law Institute is still deciding whether it will suspend her practising certificate.
Ms Garde-Wilson has told the ABC's Stateline program that police made it clear to her after the death of her partner Lewis Caine, that it would not be in her best interests to represent certain people.
"I'm appalled by the conduct of Victoria Police in relation to the gangland matters," she said.
"There's many levels of corruption.
"There's corruption on its face, where you're alleging police officers themselves committing criminal activities, and I believe the worst sort of corruption is the manipulation of evidence.
"And I believe that is proliferant."
Assistant Commissioner of Crime Simon Overland says Ms Garde-Wilson's comments are self-serving.
"Her criticisms are also not properly based, they're based on misconceptions which I suspect she well understands," he said.
"For instance, she's suggesting that we've arranged circumstances for her to be called to give evidence at the recent trial, that's simply not true."
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
More on Zarah...

Another update:
The Age feature on Garde-Wilson
Police claim that the young solicitor has joined one of the feuding tribes in the gangland war and has crossed the line in her duty as a lawyer. So much so that some police believe her refusal to testify was in line with the crook's code of never being a dog and ratting on your mates.Frankly this is why she is in trouble. The refusing to testify things was no big deal- it wasn't self incrimination, but self preservation. One you can do and get away with, the other you can't. Go figure.
But at the core of this: the police belief she has "taken sides". Joseph Conrad, please explain:
He had taken a high seat amongst the devils of the land -- I mean literally. You can't understand. How could you? -- with solid pavement under your feet, surrounded by kind neighbours ready to cheer you or to fall on you, stepping delicately between the butcher and the policeman, in the holy terror of scandal and gallows and lunatic asylums -- how can you imagine what particular region of the first ages a man's untrammelled feet may take him into by the way of solitude -- utter solitude without a policeman -- by the way of silence -- utter silence, where no warning voice of a kind neighbour can be heard whispering of public opinion?Essentially, now the cops have decided she is a target, then she has a problem. Ask Andrew Fraser how ugly things can get once the cops decide to after you. Many lawyers are not exaclty altar boys, but if the cops decide they don't like the cut of your jib, then you will be singled out for special attention.
Zarah Garde-Wilson: this is your fate.
More from The Age article:
A senior Purana officer told The Age: "I think she's just a lonely person and doesn't have a lot of close friends." So isolated is she privately - this line of thinking runs - and so committed is she professionally, that her two worlds have merged in ways most lawyers would find unthinkable.Another reason they are going hard at her: hurt her, hurt HIM.
Last word is yours Ms Garde-Wilson:
As she said outside court recently, "It'll take a bullet in the brain to stop me."
For Christ sake, don't say shit like that.
We should state, despite this blog's generally flippant style, we really like and admire Ms Gard-Wilson's style. Really.
She just needs to grow up a little and watch that blurry line between work and life.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Garde-Wilson: sentenced
She's had a conviction recorded, but no jail time.
The judge was quite sympathetic and acknowledged she took steps to tell the truth (entering witness protection), but would record a conviction regardless.
We'll see what the Law Institute make of this.
UPDATE: Herald Sun
Lawyer convicted, but avoids jail term
ZARAH Garde-Wilson, the gangland lawyer who refused to give evidence at the trial of those accused of her boyfriend's murder, was convicted today of contempt of court but avoided jail.
Garde-Wilson, 27, claimed she feared for her safety if she appeared on the witness stand after one of her partner's killers, Keith George Faure, threatened her life if she gave evidence.
Justice David Harper convicted her of contempt of court, but did not impose further punishment.
No, that's because disbarring will now probably take place.
..and that is punishment enough.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Old farts to catch young bucks
RETIRED homicide detectives may be recalled to review unsolved murder cases under a plan being considered by police.
The investigators would be contracted to re-examine files to identify cases that they believe can now be solved.
"They have so much expertise it would be of great benefit if we can tap into it," Assistant Commissioner (Crime) Simon Overland said.
Of course this assumption that "they have so much expertise" is based on the assumption that they can remember anything- including their own names.
The retired police could also be used as consultants to check on the progress of investigations. "A fresh set of eyes can often see obvious things that have been missed," Mr Overland said.
"Fresh eyes". Must be a typo.
This has the making of a TV series- no doubt:
"Colostomy Squad"
This week, Colostomy Squad seek out the phantom granny flasher by going door to door in the neighborhood. After two houses they retire to the pub to talk about how shit hot they were way back when. Rated BABS (Boring As BatShit)
Friday, November 18, 2005
"Criminal lawyer suicidal, says plea report"
Yes, so deeply in love, so mournful is she, that she's taken up with Antonios Mokbel. Only in his arms does the pain of Lewis disappear, even for a brief moment. He is a shiningUNDERWORLD solicitor Zarah Garde-Wilson is suicidal, paranoid, depressed and still remains deeply in love with her slain boyfriend Lewis Caine.
The revelations about her fragile mental state emerged during the solicitor's plea hearing at the Supreme Court yesterday.
Well, losing your secondary source of income can be like that. Wonder what the fall back postion will be.
Yesterday, Garde-Wilson's lawyer, Gerard Nash, QC, read from a psychiatrist report about his client.
...The report stated that Garde-Wilson was suicidal and if she lost her right to practise as a solicitor, she would become "acutely suicidal".
The stress of being forced to give evidence had resulted in Garde-Wilson losing her appetite and losing five kilograms.So this episode hasn't been a complete disaster then. She should start her own weight loss website/book/club. "Works for me!"
The solicitor refused to take medication to treat her mental disorders and stress due to her "philosophical beliefs".We here at MUI have no response to this at all. It's so ironic/paradoxical that we are afraid that if we comment on it, we might cause a negative reality inversion and blow the whole freakin' world up.

In an extra bonus, it's reallly worked wonders for her skin.
Just a quick note about how sex n crime go hand in hand, here are the top 5 search items that have brought us visitors in the last 5 days:
1. Zarah Garde-Wilson
2. zarah garde-wilson
3. Zarah Gard-Wilson
4. zarah garde wilson
5. melbourne underworld
Perving still rules.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Zarah Garde-Wilson- background
She took up with Lewis Caine for two years after he had left prison for murder (only served 10 years). He got popped, she went really weird (see bulleting story)(. Then she went from small time crim boyfriend to big time with Tony Mokbel.
Now she's a week away from losing her practising certificate.
Here are some articles to check out- all involve Ms Garde-Wilson in some way...
- Lewis Caine calls it "I'm next".
- Defending Roberta over that pesky credit card fraud.
- Her old firm goes tits up.
- SMH- Garde Wilson.
- Having Lewis Caine's baby.
- Gun Charge.
- Up north, the natives are nervous about who's moving in
After posting these pics, it came into MUI's thinking that Zarah look uncannily like Belinda McClory. Now belinda played "Kirsty Nichols" in the Janus TV series- a crim's moll turned informer turned back into a crim's moll (Wendy Peirce?) Interessant n'est pas?
Belinda McClory:

Zarah Garde-Wilson:

Monday, November 14, 2005
Man on ecstasy import charges shot

A man who is due to appear in court over ecstasy importation charges has been shot near a Melbourne police station."All the hallmarks of a typical underworld hit?" Ummm isn't the guy, like, kinda, ALIVE? Hardly typical...
Antonio Sergi staggered into the arms of police at Moonee Ponds police station after he was shot in the chest and both arms.
The shooting had hallmarks of a typical underworld hit, sources told the Herald Sun newspaper.
Anyway, this weeks Lucky Bullet recipient Antoni Sergi is "known to police" and to this website. from what we know, he was shot with a damn hand cannon at close range, by someone he knew, but he won't be telling.
Ahhh bless the Underworld- after I was calling it "oh it'll go quiet now..." foool that I was.
The Age:
Please note the last line here: due to face court.POLICE are investigating underworld associates of a man who survived being shot in the chest and arms as he sat in his car just 400 metres from the Moonee Ponds police station.
The man, 32, of Sydenham, was in a stable condition in hospital last night, having driven himself to the Moonee Ponds police station after being shot twice in The Strand, on the edge of Queens Park, about 1.20am.
Detective Sergeant Michael Engel, of the armed offenders squad, said the injured man was "known to police".
It is believed the man was due to face court over an alleged major importation of ecstasy tablets.
Herald Sun:
A MAN due to face court over the biggest importation of ecstasy tablets into Australia was shot yesterday after being lured to a suburban park.
More to come...
The Age
Herald Sun
Supression order lifted

We knew about this last week, and Lord we hinted at it, but here it is:
Zarah Garde-Wilson has been charged with, and has been found guilty of a charge of contempt of court after failing to sign a statement.
In other not so shock news, we can tell you she also has been having an affair (on and off) with Tony Mokbel. She is currently living in one of Tone's many maisons.
This case has been subject to a supression order, an order we decided to respect.
Updates as the mainstream news catch on...
The Age Get on Board:
Garde-Wilson was found guilty of contempt of court last Wednesday after refusing to answer questions in the trial of Keith Faure and Evangelos Goussis. Last month, both were found guilty of Caine's murder.Ohhh so close. May be Wendy Peirce had a chat about the ins and outs of being in witness protection when you have lagged out family/friends/loveer/whoever.
While refusing to give evidence, Garde-Wilson made a failed application to enter the witness protection program.
Herald Sun:
Justice David Harper said the justice system could not work without witnesses overcoming their fears – like many others in the Faure trial did. "Were they, and thousands like them . . . to succumb to it, no system of justice could survive," he said.
Justice Harper said he believed Ms Garde-Wilson's claim that there had once been a threat to her safety from Faure, but it was no longer imminent.
The Age again:
She said she was "petrified" for her safety and could possibly lose her licence to practise as a solicitor.That's a given. Even if she gets a non custodial sentence (as we suspect she will) it's game over for her legal career. It's ironic that this charge will make a her a full on gangsters mole. Not charging her would have given the cops a half chance at turning her into an informant. Who is running this shit?
...Law Institute of Victoria chief executive John Cain told The Age that an investigation might be opened once Garde-Wilson's matters have finished before the court, to test if she "is a fit and proper person" to practise law.
By the way- just how crazy hott is that get up we see her wearing in the picture? Man she could hold our briefs anytime she wants.
The Age
Herald Sun
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Like my new threads, man?
Those of you with blogs that may be of interest (ie you like crime, death and being stalked)- feel free to leave a comment and link in this thread and we'll put you in the sidebar.
Your comments on the changes please!
See the new background HERE
The bulletin- past article
Now old Mick lost a heap of weight in jail- but we reckon Carl will just stack it on. Comfort food is what he likes. Oh and a thumb sucking blankie to boot.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Gangland pair found guilty of murder - National -

The pair had pleaded not guilty to murdering Lewis Caine, who died from a single bullet to the face on May 8 last year.
They did not give evidence.
Because their evidence was "unlikely to assist their case" as they say in the legal trade. Oh and the whole allowing your client to lie on the stand -> get disbarrred thing.
James Montgomery, for Faure, said it defied common sense Faure would drink for two hours with Caine in front of witnesses and then be a party to shooting him.
...and that's the exact reason why they were drinking with him before they whacked himn. To make it look that way. Christ. Stupid.
Now that this case is in the can, we here at MUI can get back to the task at hand: bedding Caine's ex Zarah Garde-Wilson. We woun't be taking her on as our life partner-> the whole "last boyfriend got shot" thing has us a little nervous. And besides, it would be wrong to be seeing Zarah Garde-Wilson and Roberta Williams at the same time.
Gangland pair found guilty of murder - National -
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Last Man Standing Axed..
Now Tone was the big man on campus for a while there. He was more old school than Carl Williams et al- happy to see the Carlton Crew members eat lead Benji sandwiches- but was staying as low profile as possible- well as low as the biggest drug dealer in the state can stay. Ok, not very low at all. Ever.
Soon, big Tone will soon be rooming with Carl Williams. They can compare notes. I suspect Carl Will be the Bottom, Tony is all about being Top. I'll let you all process the thought of sweaty man love between our Carl and our Dear Tony for a moment...
Meanwhile, on the outside, we here at MelbUnderworld will be seeing how Roberta Williams' latest botox-ing has gone, and finding out if she's had any surgery of interest.

Roberta- on the prowl for some sweet lovin'?

Carl Williams leaving court with a Dead Man Standing
Lets have a squizz at what the Tone has done:
Accused drug dealer faces new charges
Police say they have charged accused Melbourne drug dealer Tony Mokbel, over the importation of ecstasy and drug-making chemicals.
Federal police have charged Mokbel in connection with another drug investigation.
Officers questioned Mokbel after raids on properties in Southbank and Coburg.
The 40-year-old is awaiting trial on an unrelated charge of importing about three kilograms of cocaine from Mexico.
Tonight, Mokbel has been charged with inciting to import ecstasy and drug-making chemicals.
Federal police say it is the first time anyone has been charged with the offence.
He has been refused bail and remanded in custody in an out-of-sessions hearing.
Mokbel is expected to appear in the Melbourne Magistrates Court tomorrow.
On the UP side, Tone has the record for being the first person charged with importing drug making chemicals. That, along with his criminal record, is a record that can't be taken away.
Tony Mokbel, take a bow.

I tried to find a flattering photo of the Big Tone, but no such pic exists. Here he is looking like a fat drug dealer. Interestingly enough, HE IS a fat drug dealer. Proving that first impressions are the way to go.
BTW: Folks, we have a problem. Tony is the Last Man Standing- where will this blog go next? Maybe WE should go into crime? We are much smarter than these cheese eating surrender monkeys! Your comments please...

The cast of Last Man Standing. At least when their time is up, they go to a new casting. Thats better than 20 years in a cell with Carl Williams.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
How to make a lazy $2 Million (less some expenses)
TWO million dollars will be offered today as reward for solving the murders of Jennifer Tanner and Adele Bailey.
Indemnities from prosecution will also be announced to help flush out the killer or killers.
Former Victoria Police officer Denis Tanner has been accused of murdering his sister-in-law Jennifer and transsexual prostitute Adele Bailey.
He has not been charged over either death and strongly maintains his innocence.

Ok, listen up, you won't get an easier way to make a lazy 2 Million:
1/ Buy video Camera ($1500) and a tape ($5).
2/ "Acquire" sawn off shotgun/hand gun/steel capped boots. ($1000)
3/ Find Denis Tanner.
4/ Threaten him with guns while placing steel capped boot on his throat.
5/ Film him confessing to both murders. (After you take foot off throat- make it look like a covert filming NOT a forced confession)
6/ Send to TV, Newspapers, police and your nan (safekeeping)
7/ Sit back and wait for the cash.
Seriously he's the single guiltiest, craziest mother fuckers on planet earth. I suspect if we put him in Mr Psycho Universe he'd give any Kligon, Wookie or Martian a serious fucking run. MUI have met Denis in passing once (at Adele Bailey's inquest) and the lights are on and they are FUCKING MAD-RED. Mad. Nutty. BOING! Zing Blinky blink! He would pass a lie detector test because he has twisted his life that way. He's so nutty that when Jon Faine on the ABC asked him about who killed his "ex wife" Denis FORGOT to mention she was his BROTHER'S EX WIFE. That is some nutty shit right there.
The Age take on this
Hear Denis on the ABC forgetting that he killed the brother's wife This will only last a week- listen up while you can!
Herald Sun: $2m bid to solve murder riddle [13oct05]
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Officer faces punishment for LEAP leak - National -
A Victoria Police chief inspector will face disciplinary action over the leaking of 291 files from the police database.
That sounds bad enough ... but wait!:
Victoria's Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon said the same officer then failed to brief her properly on the seriousness of the security breach.
Announcing the findings today, Ms Nixon said the report recommended formal disciplinary action be taken against the senior officer who, on July 14, gave approval for the files to be emailed to a corrections officer and to a senior officer within the Justice Department.
"There were 291 made 7,000 pages of documentation and so it was a fairly extensive file," Ms Nixon told reporters.
Seven. Freakin'. Thousand. pages.
But thats ok. Those who have had their privacy so carelessly breached will be informed so that they can make appropriate changes/panics/move overseas.
ummmm... no:
Ms Nixon said the people whose files had been released would not be told of their direct involvement in the incident for fear of jeopardising the identity of a whistleblower in the matter.
Gee thanks. The whislteblower is safe (for once), while the 291 Jones/Smiths/Allens have had their files flung about cyber space. But will never know it until the shit really hits the fan.
"I think the vast majority of members of Victoria Police do the right thing."
Who said that? Paul Mullet? Kel Glare? No.
Christine Nixon. Out of her mind.
Officer faces punishment for LEAP leak - National -
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Round up the usual suspects AGAIN...
Jade Quinn was the braniac who may have shot Vic jnr. Incidently, Vic is banging Jade's sister, so it's complicated.
Meanwhile, back on earth, Vic and Wendy's daughter Katie Peirce says that her mother is a liar over the Walsh st revelations. "My dad told me so..." Of course, Mum's lying and Daddy told the truth. If that wasn't funny enough, Katie then goes on to say that her family are "good law abiding citizens..."
For the love of God.
I can't help myself:
You're sooo ambitious, aren't you...?
You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well-scrubbed, hustling rube with a little, taste... Good nutrition has given you some length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you Officer Starling...? That accent you're trying so desperately to shed - pure West Virginia. What was your father, dear? Was he a coal miner? Did he stink of the lamp...? And oh, how quickly the boys found you! All those tedious, sticky fumblings, in the back seats of cars, while you could only dream of getting out. Getting anywhere -yes?
Man in court over Peirce shooting - National -
Major Strasser has been shot!
A man believed to be the son of slain underworld figure Victor Peirce is in a stable condition in hospital after being shot in Melbourne's east last night.
Victoria Police were called to a house in Scoresby Road, Boronia shortly after 8pm, following reports of a shooting.
"Initial investigations indicate there was an altercation between two men outside the address," police spokeswoman Sheree Argento said.
I'm not saying that people should change their names to avoid fate, but if your name is Victor Pierce- DON'T go out of the bloody house!
Seems Vic jnr is getting his racing stripes as we speak. Word has it he's already puffing his chest out like a fucking pigeon. Yeah boy, pigeons get eaten by falcons.
This is not truly gangland- as Vic Jnr is so freaking jnr he doesn't rate a mention. Question is: will he lag like his mother, or get popped like Dad, go crazy like Uncle Dennis or be a legend like grandma?
We'll go with "Dead by 2008". Any takers?
Son of slain gangster shot - National -
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Yes, we KNOW!
**WORD**: This is going to get ugly. NOT GAME OVER!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Struggle 'possible' after shooting...
Suspected hitman Andrew Veniamin could have continued fighting for up to a minute after being shot in the head and neck, a forensic pathologist told the Supreme Court yesterday.
Well, that's one way of explaining why Mick needed to give him such chronic lead poisoning...
Robert Richter QC (we prefer SC, but hey) is the right man to have in your corner for a gig like this. He's been chomping at the bit to get, as Rumpole would say "a nice little murder". Instead room service brought him up a big one:
Questioned by Robert Richter, QC, for Gatto, Dr Dodd agreed it was difficult to determine individual reactions to particular injuries and that even people shot in the brain could remain active for a brief time.
Given ol' Benji was brain dead from birth, it's a tough call to make.
The defence has claimed that the men struggled until the last of five shots was fired from the .38 revolver that Gatto claims Veniamin had with him.
As Winston Churchill might have said - "well they would say that..."*
But under re-examination by prosecutor Geoff Horgan, SC, Dr Dodd said that if Veniamin had struggled after his carotid artery was lacerated, then he would have expected to see more evidence of arterial blood on the walls of the passageway.
"The body was on the ground and there was an exceedingly large lake of blood under the head and shoulder area pooling back towards the back of the corridor," Dr Dodd said.
We'll call that a draw then...
* Update: Was not Winston, was in fact Mandy Rice-Davies NOT Christine Keeler and most certainly NOT Winston Chruchill.
Struggle 'possible' after shooting - National -
Friday, May 13, 2005
Say it ain't so...
Senior police say the unit will continue to operate into next year, although they are satisfied the underworld war - at least on Melbourne streets - is over. Senior prison officers have kept suspected warring parties separated in jail to ensure the feud does not continue behind bars.The last known gangland-related murder was Caine's on May 8 - more than a year ago.
Some key Purana investigators have been allowed to return to other duties, while the remaining detectives prepare briefs of evidence for court appearances.
"It's important to remember that we have not had a Purana-related murder for well over a year," said Stephen Linnell, a spokesman for Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon.
"That's not to say Purana's work is finished. In fact, there's still a tremendous amount of work to do. You certainly haven't heard the last of Purana.
"There's already some cases before the courts and there's a number yet to come. In a sense Purana's work will never be completed. It's the start of a new way of combating organised crime and we are very much focused on continuing that fight.
"It's important for the community to understand that Victoria Police is committed to continuing the fight against organised crime."
AFL coach Mick Malthouse famously described a sporting club's fortunes being like a clock. If you win a premiership at midnight, then 1-3 is your rebuilding time, and you must begin to deliver by 9 o'clock.
The current Underworld status is about 2 o'clock. As was rightly pointed out, we haven't had a hit since Lewis Caine on May 8 2004. The main players are behind bars or dead. The vacuum we here at MU have been talking about is growing day by day and rest assured folks- the current crews are in all manner of strife, but let us say this right fucking now lest there be any confusion:
'e doan like porridge
Harsh prison conditions were affecting the mental state of gangland figure Carl Anthony Williams, the president of Victoria's appeal court heard today.
We've always said the fat boy was full of piss and wind, and it seems he can't cope with porridge either (jail, gaol etc).
Fuck Carl, you play with matches youse gets burned. Hit the gym, lose the puppy fat (puppy fat on a 30+ yr old!) and get on with your life. Forget Roberta, she's not given to being alone- and with the years you are facing olde bean... well let's just say Roberta Botox are gonna get well acquainted real soon.
Meanwhile on the other side of town:
Keith Faure, 53, his brother Noel Faure, 50, and Evangelos Goussis, 37, all appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates' Court today charged with (ed: Lewis) Moran's murder and the attempted murder of Wrout.
The three stooges tried to pull off a contract killing. They knocked their prime, missed the secondary and then folded up like a dodgy old card table.
They did ok though- havinng popped Lewis Caine earlier in slightly less spectacular fashion they took out old Lewis Moran. (hey if yer name's Lewis you are not SAFE- Kate Langbroek- I'm looking at you!)
Three charged with Moran murder
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
We are ONE- but we are many
Te celebrate we're going to
Stay tuned!!
Friday, May 06, 2005
Gangsters targeted by new squads - Crime & Corruption - Features - In Depth
The proposals include:
- Incompetent and lazy detectives to be sacked if their performance remains unacceptable.
MU says: Well good thing the Drug squad was disbanded when it was or the lot of them would be looking for guard work.
- Psychological and personality testing to identify police susceptible to corruption.
Well that's going to reduce the intake rather severly one might suggest.
- Rewarding elite investigators with study opportunities, overseas trips and career advancement.
WTF is "elite"? Lots of dodgy arrests? Lemme get this straight- if you verbal some stooge and fit him up for a non existent crime- you could get a "study tour" to Las Vegas. Yeah. Right. That ought to stop corruption.
-Establishing a 24-hour crime desk to assign resources to breaking crimes around Victoria.
"Your crime is important to us- press one for murder, two for break and enter, 3 for rape or say your crime after the tone"
- Regular reviews to stop police continuing "dead-end" investigations into crimes that are unlikely to be solved.
If this happened 5 years ago, the Silk/Miller muders would not have been solved.
- A mentoring system for specialist detectives to pass on expertise throughout the force.
Sounds a lot like "you get brown paper bag A from crim B and go to crown to achieve C- laundering"
- Less emphasis on crime types and more on tackling major crime identities.
Celebrity crooks with celebrity cops. We've called for this for sometime. Like Big Brother, but with guns.
All bullshit aside, this does look like a better strategy than MU Insider had expected. The lack of Vic Police input- is a bloody good thing. We naturally await Paul Mullet of the Police Assoc. to bleat like one of the sheep from 1984- "All Cops are honest! All Cops are honest! All Cops are honest!" Honestly, he's a fucking dinosaur who has allowed the bad eggs to rule the roost. Don't get us started on the issue of dismissing dodgy cops. In short unless you are caught red handed, convicted, shot and cremated- Mullet reckons you are ok by him. Moron.
But there is one gaping hole in the strategy:
Some murders where the offender is known will be handled by local detectives, while more complex killings and long term "cold-cases" will be investigated by the homicide squad.
Oh dear. Does the Colin Winchester case ring any bells out there folks? The AFP version
Paul Mullet telling us how great all the cops are...
Gangsters targeted by new squads - Crime & Corruption - Features - In Depth
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Five shots that ended a life
Here's why he might be ok:
1/ Gatto may have been tooled up- but he'd not done a whole lotta shooting in a looong time. If Benji was to be knocked by the Carlton Crew, it certainly would not be Gatto in a fucking restaurant, in front of so many witnesses. No fucking way.
2/ Gatto is not fond of the sponsor's product while our ol' mate Benji was a dancin' shakin', two-lines-before-brekky kinda bloke:
Mr Horgan said the conversations showed the change in their relationship, from one of friendship to one where Gatto was wary of Veniamin.
That's mostly due to Benji becoming a button-down-psycho in his final months. He was a paranoid, aggro, tooled up little upstart who was on borrowed time from the moment he met Carl and Tony Mokbel. If I was Gatto, I'd have been fucking wary of the pocket rocket too. We here at MU reckon that if Gatto hadn't nailed him, someone would have- and that someone could have come from either the Carlton Crew OR even the Williams/Mokbel crew. That's how much of a liability Benji was becoming.
3/ Benji was believing his own bullshit. He's knocked a few easy cases, and possibly the Munster (though the cops conveniently say he didn't do it now coz it helps to mess with Gatto's post shooting words) and frankly I reckon he was keen to have a go at Gatto. Maybe not kill him there 'n then, but certainly stick a rosco up his nose and see what came out. Wrong move Benji old bean.

For a while there, it seemed that Gatto was trying to broker a true between the warring groups. Fighting might be fun, but there was money to be made and if the two main players couldn't get their shit together and get back to the task at hand-the drug trade- then some smart bunch would. Vietnamese crews moving away from heroin, Russian mafia, Philippines crews, Indos, Schapelle Corby, the list of possible players goes on.
It would make sense to get Gatto to get it all cooled down. He's negotiated some interesting settlements in industrial relations before, and the underworld is just like the real world, but with bullets, death, drugs and this blog.
But sending Benji to negotiate with Gatto? Not fucking likely!
The Fifth Element:
Found him...
(tense) Send someone to negotiate!
Mind if I go? I'm an excellent negotiator.
Uh... Sure, go ahead.Korben gets ready.
We're sending someone in who's authorized to negotiate.Korben walks quickly into the room, heads straight for Akanit, raises his gun and puts a bullet through his head.
Anyone else want to negotiate?
(to another Cop)
Where'd he learn to negotiate like that?
Where Mr Gatto has a problem
1/ Five. Fucking. Shots. Once for fear, twice for adrenalin, thrice for certainty. But four 'n five were pure indulgence.
"In that passageway . . . the deceased man, Andrew Veniamin, had no retreat and nowhere to hide," Mr Horgan said. "The accused man . . . shot him twice to the neck and once to the head. He shot at him a fourth time as the deceased lay dying on the floor of the passageway . . . but he missed. In all, five shots were fired."
Christ Mick, one more shot and you'd have had to reload. Why not saw his head off to finish him?
2/ How the defence handle the issue of the gun's sudden arrival on the scene is muy importante aussi. They will say it was Benji's. We here at MU have no opinion either way. We would be 90% sure that Gatto was tooled up. Normally Benji would be too BUT:
Veniamin was wearing white thongs, elastic-waisted three-quarter pants, a light T-shirt and boxer shorts, clothing that would not have enabled him to hide a weapon. Mr Horgan said neither the restaurant owner nor anyone at Gatto's table noticed anything to suggest Veniamin had a gun.
Who said Benji would hide a weapon? We're talking 'bout a fucking hitman not a boyscout who's showing a gun to his mates. It would come as no surprise to see Benji roscoed up with it pointing right at his cock Workcover would have a field day there...
If the prosecution contend that Benji was unarmed, cast your mind back to the early days of this website, when Benji was first killed and we ran this quote from the Herald Sun:
But Veniamin was a known hothead, who sources said started "going nuts and losing the plot" about eight months ago.
"He was getting carried away, driving his $200,000 Mercedes while tooled up (carrying a gun)," a former detective told the Herald Sun.
"He wouldn't leave home without a rosco (gun). He wouldn't even go to the bathroom without one. He was paranoid, and a lot of people started distancing themselves because he was getting out of control and upsetting people left, right and centre."
Now, get that to fly...
Five shots that ended a life - Crime & Corruption -
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Carl Williams to dodge a bullet?
The Crown is considering dropping a murder charge against underworld figure Carl Williams, a Melbourne court has been told.
Geoff Horgan, SC, for the Director of Public Prosecutions, told Melbourne Magistrates Court the charge against Williams over the murder of gangster Mark Moran may be withdrawn.
Williams appeared at today's hearing via a video link.
"The question of whether the prosecution will withdraw this charge is still under consideration," Mr Horgan told Chief Magistrate Ian Gray.
Why is the case going arse up?
Hard to say really, there are some problems relating to evidence and it would seem some people who'd represented they'd do and say one thing, are now harder to find. (ok longest hyperlink ever, but, well, necessary)
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
It's a family affair...
Father and son duo George and Carl Williams have been ordered to stand trial on charges relating to an alleged million-dollar drug ring.
The two men appeared in Melbourne Magistrates Court on several charges, including trafficking a commercial quantity of methylamphetamine between December 2002 and mid-2004.
At least Roberta is now out of jail so she can go back to running t5he show like she always has. With Carl out of the way she'll be able to cut down on the hero factor...
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Corrupt police 'offered to kill' - Crime & Corruption -
Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner (Crime) Simon Overland has confirmed murdered informer Terence Hodson told them corrupt officers were touting themselves as underworld contract killers.
The ABC's AM program reported that Hodson, who was executed with his wife Christine in their East Kew home last year, was approached by corrupt officers who asked him to solicit murder contracts on their behalf.
Corrupt police 'offered to kill' - Crime & Corruption -
Four Corners - 14/03/2005: Melbourne Confidential
Victoria Police have long insisted that no firm links can be drawn between the parallel scandals of the gangland killings and the entrenched corruption that has plagued parts of the Victoria Police.
But Four Corners can reveal new evidence that supports this connection – evidence that Terence Hodson took to his grave.
Reporter Chris Masters profiles the murdered Terence Hodson, a British migrant, devoted father and grandfather, who opportunistically turned his hand to anything that would turn a dollar – drugs, guns, stolen goods, cars, antiques.
Compelling stuff...

Four Corners - 14/03/2005: Melbourne Confidential
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Man survives 'contract' he took out on own life
There's a lot more to the story but:
It is believed the pair spent the $10,000 on top-shelf alcohol, a box of Cuban cigars and mobile phones. They are expected to be charged on summons with attempted murder.
At least they behaved like low brow crims.
Man survives 'contract' he took out on own life - National -
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Exhibition draws fire
Exhibition draws fire - Arts -
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Strike FOUR and you're out?

Police are set to charge alleged underworld figure Carl Williams with a fourth murder, claiming he stalked and shot drug dealer Mark Moran outside his luxury Aberfeldie home nearly five years ago.
Now this case was stone cold dead in the water. Purana (and just about everybody) knew the rumours surrounding Carl's involvement (though most thought it was Benji who did done the trigger work..) but the cops couldn't pin it on him with any certainty. What changed?
The breakthrough comes after a key witness told police he drove Williams within walking distance of Moran's Combermere Street home on the night of the murder.
Good help is so hard to find. Yes the guy dropping Carl in it MR X is the same Mr X who managed to get a whole 7 years off his 25 year sentence for dobbing in Carl. Worst of all, Mr X has deprived us of Carl's antics for about 35 years or so...
The word of a convicted crim doesn't carry much weight on its own... but then:
Another witness, who is not connected with the underworld, has been able to corroborate much of Mr X's statement.
A second criminal source is also alleged to have made a statement against Williams.
Oh this is bad, very bad for our boy. Maybe he will be able to go in "The Biggest Loser" while in prison? He's got a bit to lose...

Murder charge No.4 for Williams - Crime & Corruption -
Friday, January 21, 2005
Carl Williams- Game Over?
It's been rumoured that Carl was involved ever since he gobbed off at Jason Moran in prison about how he "took the bullet out of my stomach and put it in Mark" (referring to the earlier shooting of Carl by the Moran brothers...) but frankly we here at Melbunderworld news always thought Carl was a bit of a pussy when it came to tooling about.
We was wrong!
Seems Carl was a regular Wild Bill Hickok eh? He didn't stay down and dirty once the cops were onto him though- the late great Benji put up his hand and Carl handed over the rosco just as fast as he had used it.
So folk- is this the end game? It was said that the Carlton Crew were gone once the Munster and Lewis Moran went- but seems the Williams crew are not far behind- all the trigger men are dead or in jail, the players are in jail and tony Mokbel is just waiting for a knock at the door.
And what happens now? Well a vacuum rarely stays a vacuum when there is fresh air nearby.
*Calling all tough guys, your time has arrived*
The Age- Williams arrest in Nov 2003
The Age- Watch on Mark Moran Lifted days before murder...
Melbourne Crime Site- Moran murders
Thursday, January 20, 2005
25 - grassing yer mates = 18
A prosecution supergrass who agreed to give evidence against underworld figures Carl Williams and Victor Brincat yesterday became the first person jailed for murder over Victoria's recent gangland killings.
The informer, known only as Mr X, was sentenced in a secret Supreme Court hearing at Ballarat to 18 years' jail.
I'm sure many of you have seen the US "Law and Order" franchised TV shows. In these shows, the accused can cut all sorts of deals and get their sentence reduced significantly.
Not so here in Australia- The accused can roll over, but the charges will stand- the judge alone has discretion and in this case, one can't quite see where Mr X gets his motivation:
"Justice Teague said he would have jailed Mr X for at least 25 years, with a 20-year minimum, had he not agreed to co-operate with authorities and plead guilty to murder."
Here at Melbourne Underworld news are fully aware of the identity of Mr X and frankly cannot understand why there is a supression order surrounding his name:
- The people he has implicated/testified against know who he is
- Fellow prisoners know who he is
Why it matters whether the public knows is beyond us- I'm pretty sure the public don't care either way.
Go figure. But on this rare occasion we will respect the judges decision and despite these servers being based in the USA where the supression order has no weight, we will not reveal who Mr X is...
Underworld supergrass gets 18 years for killing